Pre-conference podcast with Oskar Borsos, Product Marketing Manager, Schneider Electric, Serbia

In this Global Power Outage & Safety Process Management pre-conference podcast our speaker Oskar Borsos would be highlighting a few points from his upcoming presentation about improving quality of life with proactive communication.

Oskar Borsos mentions how Schneider Electric brings value to utilities, which are on the part of the transformation and sustainability. He explained that Livia and Schneider Electric, are part of this synergy that he will present on the conference. He says that their electricity grid is the backbone that connects the electricity from producers to consumers, and they are enabling an increased share of renewables in that system and the electrification of the transport industry, as well as the creating the new prerequisites to a new climate.

Oskar emphasizes that energy demand is rising and by 2030 and will use one and a half times more electricity. Like Schneider, Electric’s equal structure device can handle these challenges and ensure a smooth transition from traditional paper-driven processes to a digital and adaptive way of managing grids. So, it’s about designing, running, and maintaining an electricity supply to provide an adequate, safe, and stable flow of electricity is one of the focuses. He believes that all utilities must have that in their plan, and especially when the aim is to achieve the sustainability goals that are set as one of the world’s main goals to achieve.

Oskar Borsos says that utilities strive for improved response times to outages and the ability to anticipate incidents to improve customer services and ensure constant power quality by greater grid automation. The key to ensuring success and future sustainability is to have a comprehensive, modern, agile management of grid and field operations enabled by a higher degree of digitalization.

Oskar believes that keeping an information-hungry customer properly informed is not so easy, however, a well-informed customer is usually a happy customer. Personalized notification templates, both for emails and SMS, and a variety of personal base recipients are just some of the key features included in Schneider Electric’s solution to which additional value is delivered to the customers. On top of that, the cost of ownership can be significantly reduced and is one of the goals of the utilities.

Finally, Oscar feels that the conference is also for the utilities outage management groups who are focusing and integrating, doing all the stuff that is needed to provide information to the customers.
