
carbon pricing mechanisms

Carbon Pricing Mechanisms: Pros, Cons, and Global Implementation

Climate change is escalating and governments worldwide are looking for innovative solutions to minimize greenhouse gases. Carbon pricing mechanisms have come out to be an effective solution in this fight. Furthermore, it gives an approach that is market-driven to reduce the carbon footprint. Moreover, these mechanisms focus on reshaping the behavior of consumers and business practices. This is by assigning a cost to the carbon emissions. However, carbon pricing is not a straightforward approach. It reflects various models and approaches being tested globally. As a result, understanding the intricacies becomes crucial for businesses, policymakers, and even citizens. In this article, we will go through the world of carbon pricing. We will look at the types, advantages, and disadvantages of carbon pricing mechanisms, and more. 

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Innovative Carbon Reduction Solutions for a Greener Future

Innovative Carbon Reduction Solutions for a Greener Future

Do you know that more than three billion people reside in areas vulnerable to climate change? This ahead of us is the most serious and dreadful indicator of global risk. So, to lower carbon emissions, innovative carbon reduction solutions are essential. To solve this problem, scientists, engineers, and legislators are putting out endless effort. They are creating innovative tactics and technology. Moreover, these range from nature-based approaches to cutting-edge innovations. This article explores promising carbon reduction solutions. We’ll examine how these ideas could shape a greener future. Additionally, understanding these solutions is key to appreciating our progress. It also highlights the potential for positive change in our fight against climate change.

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best innovation conferences 2025

Top Conferences to Attend in 2025: A Guide for Innovators and Professionals

As we are approaching 2025, the professional landscape is showing evolution at an unprecedented rate. Furthermore, the era of rapid technological advancement and shifting paradigms has made staying ahead of the curve a necessity. Attending the right or top conferences can be the key to do so for innovators, industry leaders, and professionals. It is one of the best ways to unlock new opportunities, gain critical insights, and forge valuable connections. A series of summits that are expected to redefine standards in their respective disciplines are scheduled for next year. A wide range of sessions, case studies, panel discussions, and more are included in these summits. We will explore these events in this article to give you a thorough rundown of what to anticipate.

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glimpse of the 5th power price forecasting summit

Recap And Insights From The 5th Power Price Forecasting Summit

The 5th Power Price Forecasting Summit was held in Barcelona, Spain, on June 11-12, 2024. It brought together thought leaders, industry experts, and professionals from the power generation, energy trading, and utility sectors. Furthermore, this two-day event provided an invaluable platform. It addressed the dynamics shaping the future of the wholesale energy market. Moreover, it delved into the intricacies of power price forecasting and explored cutting-edge technologies and methodologies. In this article, we get deeper into what the sessions were about, the value addition that summits like these provide and much more.

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Portfolio Optimization Strategies Using Price & Volume Forecasts

Portfolio Optimization Strategies Using Price & Volume Forecasts

Optimizing portfolios is crucial in energy trading, impacting profitability and risk management. Accurate price and volume forecasts have become indispensable tools, enabling traders to make informed, data-driven decisions. Leveraging these forecasts allows traders to maximize potential returns while mitigating exposure to risks. This article delves into various optimization strategies and examines how to effectively utilize price and volume forecasts. By employing these techniques, traders can gain a competitive edge, enhancing their ability to navigate the dynamic energy markets and capitalize on lucrative opportunities while maintaining a robust risk profile.

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renewable energy in power price forecasting

How Does Sector Coupling Affect Power Price Forecasting Models?

The energy sector is seeing a rapid transition in today’s time. The reason for this stands to be the pressing need for clean and efficient energy systems. Sector coupling stands to be at the forefront of this transition.  It combines the energy sectors of power, cooling & transportation, and heating. Furthermore, this interdependence has significant ramifications for power price forecasting models used to anticipate power prices who have hitherto only taken the electrical industry into account. Reliable electricity price projections now depend critically on accurately representing the interdependencies and interactions between these connected sectors. The article discusses the evolution of sector coupling and looks at the potential it offers. It also looks at the changes that must be made to maintain effective forecasting in this changing environment.

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Energy storage systems

Energy Storage: Reshaping Short-Term Power Price Forecasting

The rapid growth of energy storage systems is changing the landscape of the power market. It is introducing new dynamics that should find space in the short-term power price forecasting models. Furthermore, renewable energy is finding unmatched adoption. So, the need for energy storage to balance the intermittent supply and demand has also become crucial. This shift has profound implications for market participants. It requires them to adapt their forecasting strategies. This is to incorporate the unique characteristics and capabilities of energy storage technologies. So, market players can gain a competitive edge in navigating the evolving market dynamics and optimize their short-term operations. This is by understanding and accurately modeling energy storage systems. In this article, we help do that by covering energy storage’s impact on market dynamics and short-term power price forecasting.

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Recap and Insights From The 4th Power Price Forecasting Summit 2024

The landscape of power markets is undergoing rapid transformation driven by the accelerating energy transition. The rise of renewable energy, decentralization of resources, electrification of transport, and increasing involvement of prosumers is leading to greater uncertainty and volatility in electricity pricing. In this complex, evolving environment, the ability to accurately forecast power prices is becoming critical for stakeholders across the energy value chain. It is against this backdrop that the 4th Power Price Forecasting Summit 2024 by Future Bridge was held in Amsterdam from January 25-26. It brought together leading experts from around the world. This is to discuss the latest developments and innovations in this crucial field.

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Navigating Uncertainty Advances in Power Price Forecasting Methodologies

Navigating Uncertainty: Advances in Power Price Forecasting Methodologies

Electricity markets worldwide are transforming. It is driven by the accelerating adoption of renewable energy, decentralization of power generation, electrification across sectors, and other structural changes. This new era of complexity and uncertainty has led to heightened volatility and unpredictability in electricity prices. In response, leading practitioners are advancing forecasting techniques. It helps to enable market participants to better navigate risks and optimize operational and investment decisions.  In the upcoming 4th edition of the 2024 Power Price Forecasting Summit, this 25-26 January in Amsterdam, experts across the industry will convene. They will discuss the latest innovations and best practices for building robust, accurate forecasting models suited to today’s challenges.

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The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Power Price Forecasting

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Power Price Forecasting

The energy industry is undergoing a profound transformation. It poses new complexities for power market participants. So, the accelerating transition to renewable energy sources has introduced significant variability and uncertainty into power systems. This volatility, combined with factors like evolving market design and economic shifts, has made accurate price forecasting more crucial than ever.  Power companies are increasingly looking for advanced analytical techniques. It includes AI and machine learning in power price forecasting. These technologies can also uncover hidden insights, rapidly process vast amounts of data, and continually enhance performance over time. As AI and machine learning become more ubiquitous across industries, they are poised to transform power price forecasting. So, in this article let us look at their role in-depth.

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Innovative Technologies for Reducing Marine Pollution: A Path Towards a Sustainable Future

Marine pollution is an alarming global issue that poses significant threats to our oceans and marine ecosystems. With over 80% of marine pollution originating from land-based sources, it is crucial that we harness the power of cutting-edge and innovative technologies to fight against this ongoing problem. In this blog post, we will explore some newest technologies that offer promising solutions for waste management, ballast water treatment, and air pollution control, potentially paving the way for a cleaner and healthier marine environment.

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Navigating Towards a Greener Future: How to Begin Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Marine Vessels

As the global focus on environmental sustainability intensifies, the maritime industry finds itself at a crossroads. Responsible for a significant portion of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, marine vessels must adopt innovative measures to reduce their carbon footprint. By implementing energy-efficient technologies, exploring fuel alternatives, and optimizing operational practices, the industry can set sail toward a greener future. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best practices for reducing GHG emissions from marine vessels.

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Why Sustainability is More Important Than You Might Think

As businesses look to grow and succeed in today’s economy, it’s easy to focus solely on profits and financial performance. However, an increasingly important factor for businesses to consider is sustainability. In this blog post, we will explore why sustainability is more important than you might think and why businesses should take it seriously.

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Conference tips

Top Tips for Showcasing Your Business’s Product at a Conference

Conferences are an excellent opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and services, network with potential clients and partners, and build brand awareness. With hundreds or even thousands of attendees, it is essential to stand out and make a lasting impression. Here are some of the top tips for showcasing your business’s product at a conference.

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EU GHG Tariffs

“Green tariffs” and other emissions-related regulations coming to the EU this year

The EU’s new green tariffs, also known as border carbon adjustments, are intended to level the playing field for European companies by imposing tariffs on imported goods from countries that do not have equivalent carbon pricing or climate regulations. The tariffs would apply to a wide range of products, including steel, aluminum, cement, and chemicals. Companies that produce these goods in countries without equivalent climate regulations would likely face higher costs, which could be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

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8 Ways Conferences Can Help Your Business

Attending business conferences can help you expand your knowledge and skills. Conferences can be a great way to learn about various aspects of your line of work and can give you insight into new topics. If you’re thinking about attending an event but aren’t sure if it’s worth it, here are 8 reasons why attending business conferences is a great idea.

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The European Summit on Energy Efficiency for the Life Sciences Industry

The 2022 Future Bridge hybrid conference was held in Berlin. Over the course of two days, attendees viewed presentations and case studies from industry experts, while enjoying numerous networking activities. The conference was dedicated to the vital need for efficiency in the energy-intensive pharmaceutical industry. Life sciences are 55% more emission-intensive than the automotive industry, and as the world decarbonizes, it is crucial to limit energy expenditure. Pharmaceutical companies need to certify that their facilities are energy efficient to comply with future regulations while still providing the world with life-saving medication.

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The Future of African oil and gas

With 1.2 billion inhabitants and 30 million square kilometers, Africa is often forgotten during the debates about renewable energy. The continent is actually rich in oil, gas, and other valuable fossil fuels. It is also one of the most mineral-rich areas in the world. But inefficiency and poor management have led to an underdeveloped energy industry. Indeed, Africans struggle with electricity supplies in general. So what are the opportunities and possibilities of oil and gas in Africa?

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European Intraday Electricity Market

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on the Efficiency of European Intraday Electricity Markets

Many European governments reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic by instituting lockdowns. Regional specifics varied, but residents and citizens were generally ordered to stay and work from home, when possible. Worldwide, nearly 4.2 billion were under some form of lockdown. Simulatainusly, the pandemic came with a degree of uncertainty that translated into an economic slowdown. As consumers spent less, companies’ energy demands fell. So what can businesses learn from COVID-19’s impact on electricity markets and what should they do in the future?

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Energy consumption tips

Six Tips for Reducing Energy Consumption in the Food industry

The food industry needs to understand how to limit its energy consumption and by extension its CO2 emissions. Food production may use up to 30% of global energy and is increasingly under pressure from GHG emission regulations. Companies should make a holistic assessment of where new technology can be implemented. Industry peers are a valuable source of information, as learning from the experiences and mistakes of others is cheaper. Pitfalls to be avoided, case studies, and best practices should all be analyzed to make an informed energy management plan.

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AI energy

Energy Consumption and Price Forecasting with AI

Rising energy prices and regulatory pressure to limit GHG emissions both push companies to find every possible solution to save power. There has been significant investment in energy, with nearly $1.9 trillion spent in 2018 alone. But improvements have been unfocused, combining elements of sustainability with general power-management principles. Similarly, technological innovations in AI and machine learning are only recently being applied to energy management. So how can a company employ artificial intelligence to direct its energy strategy? 

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The State of New Jersey vs the energy industry

The state of New Jersey is suing several fossil-fuel companies such as Exxon, Chevron, and BP, for their impact on climate change. More precisely, New Jersey argues that these companies have made deceptive statements about their climate impact. This is commonly referred to as greenwashing, an activity that is coming under more and more scrutiny. Greenwashing has become a hot-button issue in the legislature of many western countries. Future Bridge has created a more thorough overview of greenwashing around the world can be found here. So how does NJ plan to prove its case in court? And why should the industry at-large pay attention?

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How fast charging batteries will revolutionize mining

As the mining industry transitions to a more environmentally friendly, automated, and remote-controlled approach, power is a challenge. Current batteries do not have the capacity for the heavy-duty work needed to extract ore and other materials from the earth. The heat, humidity, and generally harsh conditions of a mine are not conducive to battery longevity. This is all set to change, as a collective effort of nice companies, including Shell, spearhead the effort to develop a fast-charging, high-capacity battery.

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How Big is the Problem of greenwashing?

If a company exaggerates its environmental impact or claims an environmentally-friendly policy that is not true, it is engaging in greenwashing. So how widespread is this issue? to answer this question, two data points will be considered. First, how do various countries see and persecute greenwashing? It stands to reason that a country that actively combats greenwashing has cases of greenwashing in it. Secondly, what do various research groups say about the amounts of greenwashing from region to region?

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What is the Greenhouse Gas Protocol?

The GHG protocol was developed in the late 1990s as a means to create a framework for measuring and managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Despite its daunting name, the new set of standards mostly influences the terms and definitions used to communicate environmental data. In short, this means standardizations of information. Companies should see the GHG protocol not as a new set of regulations, but as an opportunity to protect themselves from allegations of greenwashing.

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Digital disruption: 5 ways the mining industry will benefit from modernization

Most people imagine monstrously large trucks and drills when they hear the words “mining and metals industry.” This view is partially accurate, as mining uses some of the most cutting-edge, specialized machinery in the world. The industry now also needs to consider the importance of sophisticated software to go with its impressive hardware. Digitalization is the key to enhancing every operation, from increased yields to reduced fuel costs. The time to refocus is now so make sure to explore the five ways that digitalization can benefit an operation.

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The Future of Greenwashing in the United States

In the United States, companies are facing more and more lawsuits from consumers and even local governments over allegations of greenwashing. Many of these lawsuits allege that the environmental claims of a company do not match reality. When a company violates greenwashing laws, it risks fines and other legal measures. There is also a reputational risk from misleading the public. So what are some recent examples of this phenomenon and what can a company learn from them?

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How the mining industry is revolutionizing green fracking

Fracking, more properly known as hydraulic fracking, is a time-tested method for mining natural gas, shale, and oil. Since the 1950s, we have started to better understand the environmental impact of “traditional” fracking. Heavy use of freshwater, water contamination and even earthquakes have been linked to fracking. The negative effects of this sort of fracking have almost made it a dirty word, one which the average person associates with environmental disruption and pollution. So is this conception of fracking still valid?

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5 ways the mining industry innovates with renewable energy

The mining industry has a reputation for environmental disruption. Diesel-powered vehicles and words like “fracking” create the image of an industry unable to cut emissions. But is this perspective warranted? Contrary to popular belief, many mining companies are taking active steps in cutting their CO2 output and embracing sustainable, modern solutions. So let’s take a look at some of the ways the industry utilizes the latest developments in renewable energy.

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Low-carbon Mining for a Greener Future

Emissions reports have shown that in some mines, the hauling equipment alone creates a quarter of total mine emissions. This is a critical area that needs to be overhauled as the industry cuts its emissions and achieves a greener future. So what can be done in the short term and long term? There are two main options mining companies can implement. Firstly, an operation can transition away from diesel to a more sustainable alternative. Secondly, the entire fleet can be overhauled for electric vehicles, sometimes referred to as Battery electric vehicles (BEV).

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The Legal Risks of Greenwashing and how to Avoid them

Often overlooked when compared to the automotive industry, pharmaceutical companies are still responsible for 55% more carbon emissions than car manufacturers. Since pharmaceutical companies make life-saving medication and equipment, this issue is often not properly addressed. However, the current trends in environmental legislation mean that medical research and manufacturing companies must carefully consider how they present their environmental disclosures and policy.

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Dr. Ali Soofastaei

Mining 4.0: Meet Dr. Ali Soofastaei, Our Keynote Speaker!

Future Bridge is thrilled to announce Dr. Ali Soofastaei as the speaker of the 2nd conference in the Mining & Metals series. Dr. Soofastaei, AI Program Leader at Vale, will give an online keynote presentation on November 8th at the Mining 4.0: The Roadmap of the Future summit, in which he will discuss the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation in the mining industry. Dr. Ali Soofastaei is a global artificial intelligence (AI) industrial projects leader, an educational programs instructor, international keynote speaker, academic editor, and professional scientific author.

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10 Ways to Maximize Your Conference Sponsorship Benefits

Corporate and marketing events provide a perfect environment for those looking to engage and connect. As a sponsor, you can network, learn about current industry trends, and hear from key experts. But it’s important to remember that a conference is also a busy time, with packed schedules and a long list of new names, possibilities, and information.
The experienced conference attendee knows that simply showing up is not enough, rather, there are steps one can take beforehand to maximize the opportunities offered by any event. Before and during a conference, it is a good idea to remember ways to maximize your conference sponsorship benefits.

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Conference Speaker Checklist: 8 Tips for Presenting at the Business Event

In this day and age, it can be difficult to get your company’s message across to a target audience. At an industry-tailored conference, you stand a greater chance of reaching the end users if you are part of the agenda — but there’s more to it than grabbing the speaker slot. You can put your business on the map with a well-executed speech at a conference. But for many people, including experienced speakers, presenting at a business event is like walking a tightrope. But fear not! To ensure your speech goes smoothly, we’ve put together 8 expert tips that will help you get the most out of your speaker slot.

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Future Bridge Materials Management Series Presents ‘4th Product Chemicals Compliance & Sustainability Summit,’ in Collaboration with REGARTIS

The Materials Management Series, which features a variety of exceptional presenters each year, is a cornerstone of Future Bridge events. This fall, the series is back with the much anticipated ‘4th Product Chemicals Compliance & Sustainability Summit.’ The two-stream event will take place in Prague, Czech Republic on the 29-30th of September. We are pleased to announce that this year’s event is being organized in collaboration with the company REGARTIS. We are here to clear a path through the thicket of environmental regulations and make compliance a lot easier!

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Understanding Conference Sponsorship: Why Should You Become a Sponsor?

Becoming a conference sponsor is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to gain visibility. That makes sense: major companies attend conferences and exhibitions because they want to embrace innovation, improve their business operations, network with other industry professionals, or otherwise benefit from the experience. But what if you have doubts? We would like to share with you the advantages of becoming a conference sponsor, as well as provide you with more information regarding different sponsorship packages and what they entail. Our previous sponsors can attest to the numerous benefits of sponsoring a Future Bridge event.

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Tips for Getting the Most from a Business Conference

Conferences can be a busy time, with many opportunities for exchanging ideas, information sharing, and networking. If you are not clear about your objectives, attending a business event can seem overwhelming. To help you get the most from your next conference, we’ve provided a handy checklist to ensure your upcoming business event goes off without a hitch, outlining what to do before, during, and after the big day. Network with confidence, anytime, anywhere. We are here to help you leave a lasting impression, build authentic business relationships, and enhance your brand visibility. Keep these ideas in mind at your next business event!

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Beware of Greenwashing: How to Find a Line Between Oversharing And Being Authentic

Last year, the European Commission conducted a thorough investigation of EU companies. To determine whether businesses’ claims about their sustainability practices were misleading, the National Consumer Protection Agency screened for greenwashing. The EU report indicates that “in 42% of cases, the environmental claims were exaggerated, false or deceptive and could potentially qualify as unfair commercial practices under EU rules”. The number of companies that have been accused of greenwashing is staggering. Yet, even experienced marketers can unintentionally mislead the public.

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The Great Debate: Why is Europe so Divided on Nuclear Energy?

As the prices of fossil fuels rise and Europe moves forward in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions, nuclear power is at the center of the renewable energy debate. Since Brussels has pledged to fund sustainability efforts, the question of whether nuclear energy is green or not remains relevant. Certainly, incorporating nuclear energy into the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities would allow private business owners, political leaders, and energy companies to meet increasingly high environmental standards. However, not all countries are convinced that nuclear power is a sufficient carbon-free alternative to the ongoing energy crisis.

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REACH Europe

Everything You Need to Know about REACH: How the New Regulations Will Affect the Chemical Industry

The EU REACH is the most important regulatory framework governing chemicals in Europe. REACH, which stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals, is an effort by the European Union to enhance its environmental and human health protection. Companies must keep up with the latest chemical production guidelines in order to avoid legal risks, operate in compliance with regional laws, and remain competitive.

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5 Long-Term Trends in the European Power Market

There is no doubt that the European power market has been through a period of transition over the past decade. Changes in environmental policies, new technologies, and rapidly rising fossil fuel prices have altered the energy scene around the globe. As the industry sees shifts in patterns, companies need to keep their eyes peeled for certain long-term trends to avoid volatility. The time to refocus is now, so make sure you don’t neglect your long-term planning by looking at these 5 long-term trends in the European power market.

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Hydraulic systems

Disruption in Electrohydraulics: New Technologies Lead the Way

Hydraulic systems are one of the most efficient ways to transport mechanical energy. Engineers may now create systems that are more efficient, effective, and cost-effective thanks to new technology and breakthroughs. Hydraulic system manufacturers are investigating ways to improve the intelligence of their products using electrohydraulics, which combines electric motors and controls with hydraulics.

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Climate Change threatens food security

Climate Change Threatens Food Security

The IPCC report portrays an alarming scenario for the future of our food systems. Food insecurity will be unevenly distributed, hitting the poorest areas of the world more severely. By 2050, large land areas might be degraded, and pollination will be hindered if the temperature continues rising. Regenerative Agriculture can be a useful ally in the transition of our food system. The support of this holistic cultural approach to agriculture would contribute to restoring climate stability, increasing biodiversity, rebuilding soil fertility, and producing healthy food. RegAgri4Europe is a two-year project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.

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The New European Commission Regulation on Agricultural & Forestry Vehicles

The new Regulation on Stage V is the most comprehensive revision of the non-road mobile machinery regulations since Stage IIIB. The main objectives of the Regulation are to ensure that NRMM engines placed on the market in the EU are type-approved in accordance with the new emission limits introduced by the Regulation. This will ensure a high level of environmental protection while avoiding market fragmentation and ensuring a level playing field for all manufacturers on global markets.

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Gordon Fairley

Pre-conference podcast with Mr. Gordon Fairley, the Sales and Business Development Leader at Depsys

In the podcast, Mr. Fairley emphasizes the need for more resilient grid networks in the context of electrification and the increasing digitalization of contemporary societies. The already high demand for power supply is estimated to double by the year 2050, putting a lot of pressure on the grid networks. It is, therefore, critical for DSOs to develop functional and outage management systems, as avoiding fault is something that the DSOs can benefit from significantly, both in terms of cost-efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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The Top 10 Reasons To Attend Conferences

The Top 10 Reasons To Attend Conferences

Attending business conferences is an excellent way to develop your professional skills. Conferences help you get insights into various aspects of your line of work and can be a great way to gain new knowledge and skills. If you are thinking about attending an event but are not sure if this is something you should worry about, here is a list of the top 10 reasons why attending business conferences is a great idea.

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new covid restrictions

Germany to end all COVID-19 restrictions by the end of March 2022

Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Germany’s state and federal leaders have decided to gradually lift the COVID restrictions by the end of March, which they announced at the press conference on the 16th of February. Therefore, as anticipated, the ‘Global Power Outage & Safety Process Management’ Conference will occur physically as well as virtually on the 7th-8th of April 2022.

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Tomas Novotny

Pre-conference podcast with the Founder of Regartis, Tomas Novotny

Watch the short podcast with Tomas Novotny, Founder of Regartis, to see his take on the impact of the EU’s environmental protection strategy on the chemical industry, industry predictions and trends. The podcast will also explore key messages of Regartis’ presentation at the upcoming “Product Substance Management & Regulatory Compliance Conference”.

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How to make a memorable conference

How to make a memorable conference presentation

Presentations are a visual and effective way of presenting information. It is an integral part of all online meetings and business conferences. In this article, we will not teach you how to present, however, we will share with you tips to capture the audience’s attention, from the event organiser’s point of view.

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2021/2022: the comeback of hybrid/physical conferences

2021/2022: the comeback of hybrid/physical conferences

Going offline? In this article we are going to discuss our development plans and look into the future. Despite the popularity and benefits of virtual events, we want to return to other formats of events like Hybrid and Physical. We believe that these are the best ways to experience more memorable events. In the coming months, we will focus on perfecting this experience.

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food safety food protection

Food Safety: An Important Aspect of Food Security

To protect the consumer, it is important that the food on our table is produced, processed, and distributed in a safe manner. Food trade liberalisation and globalisation have not only opened our borders, but they have also increased our susceptibility to pest and food safety threats. The number of people affected by food poisoning in industrialised countries is increasing by 30% annually.

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