2021/2022: the comeback of hybrid/physical conferences

Going offline? In this article, we are going to discuss our development plans and look into the future of hybrid/physical conferences.

2021/2022: the comeback of hybrid/physical conferences

Despite the popularity and benefits of virtual events, we want to return to other formats of events like Hybrid and Physical conferences. We believe that these are the best ways to experience more memorable events. In the coming months, we will focus on perfecting this experience. While few companies have already managed to hold their first physical/hybrid event despite the situations in September-November, others have become extremely comfortable with the virtual events that they do not see any reason to switch back. As for our company, Future Bridge, we still believe that virtual events cannot replace face-to-face interactions, however they do allow us to resolve few other hurdles efficiently.

At the Future Bridge Events, we care about potential delegates, and we anticipate that some of you may not be ready for large gatherings. Hence, we organize physical events with careful considerations. With thoughtful planning and reinventive designs, we can help attendees feel safe and comfortable as we return to live events.

We believe that in 2022 events should be Hybrid (Virtual & Physical). They should be equally useful and engaging for all participants, whether they are attending the event virtually or physically. We will provide sufficient protective measures on the venue and adhere to principles of safe distance, including keeping a distance during breaks, contactless check-in, disinfection tools, etc. We believe that the event industry will soon catch up and surpass what has been missed. In the meantime, we will be patient and will adapt to realities.

Read our previous article

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