Energy Storage: Reshaping Short-Term Power Price Forecasting

The rapid growth of energy storage systems is changing the landscape of the power market. It is introducing new dynamics that should find space in the short-term power price forecasting models. Furthermore, renewable energy is finding unmatched adoption. So, the need for energy storage to balance the intermittent supply and demand has also become crucial. This shift has profound implications for market participants. It requires them to adapt their forecasting strategies. This is to incorporate the unique characteristics and capabilities of energy storage technologies. So, market players can gain a competitive edge in navigating the evolving market dynamics and optimize their short-term operations. This is by understanding and accurately modeling energy storage systems. In this article, we help do that by covering energy storage’s impact on market dynamics and short-term power price forecasting.

The Rise of Energy Storage Technologies For Short term Forecasting

The development of energy storage technology has risen. Grid flexibility requirements, integration of renewable energy, and environmental objectives are what are causing this spike. As the energy transition progresses, storage systems will be crucial. They will address challenges from intermittent renewable energy sources. Let us see the technologies that are gaining traction.

Lithium-Ion Battery Storage 

Lithium-ion battery systems are the most efficient ones on the market right now for short-term energy storage systems. They offer high energy density which is a major advantage. Furthermore, their self-discharge rates are relatively low compared to other battery chemistries. They possess the ability to charge and discharge power very rapidly on demand. So, these advanced battery systems are well-suited for various applications. These include grid support functions, frequency regulation services, and peak shaving capabilities.

Pumped Hydro Storage 

Systems for pumped hydro storage have been in use for several years. Even though technology has gotten better, this energy storage method still works well and doesn’t cost too much. The main idea is to move water from a lower place to a higher place. This is done during periods of excess energy production or low demand. Later, this stored water is released to generate electricity during periods of high demand.

Thermal Energy Storage 

Systems for storing thermal energy can store energy as either cold or heat. This stored thermal energy can then be utilized later as required. These systems serve a variety of applications efficiently. Heating and cooling of residential and commercial buildings is a common use case. Industrial processes requiring heat or cold also leverage thermal storage. Additionally, concentrated solar power plants utilize thermal storage to store surplus heat.

Emerging Technologies

Fresh approaches to energy storage are always being developed. One example is a flow battery. It stores energy in liquid electrolyte solutions. Systems for storing energy using compressed air are another exciting new technology. People are starting to like using hydrogen for storing energy. It’s made through a process called electrolysis.

Energy Storage: Effect on Supply-Demand Balance and Peak Shaving 

Storing energy systems can help keep the right amount of electricity around when it’s in need. This is among their most important benefits. Moreover, these systems also enable peak shaving of electricity demand which is extremely valuable.

Balancing Intermittent Renewable Energy 

A growing number of intermittent renewable energy sources are being used. This increases the demand for energy storage. When renewable output is high, extra energy can be efficiently stored using storage systems. This stored energy can then be discharged when renewable generation is low or insufficient to meet demand. As a result, this capability helps maintain grid stability and reliability despite renewable intermittency.

Peak Shaving and Demand Response 

Systems for storing energy are essential to demand response and peak-shaving initiatives. These devices can release the energy they have stored when the grid is experiencing its highest demand. This effectively reduces the strain and consumption requirements on the grid during such periods. Moreover, it avoids the need to fire up expensive peaker power plants which are often less environmentally friendly as well.

Transmission and Distribution Deferral 

Utilities can delay expensive changes to transmission and distribution infrastructure. This is by carefully placing energy storage installations in strategic areas. Furthermore, storage provides localized support and reinforcement during periods of high demand. This allows for more flexible and cost-effective long-term planning of grid expansion and modernization efforts by operators.

Improved Grid Resilience 

Energy storage devices can maintain everyday operations. However, it can also improve the power grid’s overall resilience and dependability. They can offer a backup power supply. This is in the event of emergencies, disturbances, or outages. So, this resilience factor is especially important in areas where extreme weather events occur frequently. It reduces the negative social and economic effects of power outages. It also guarantees the continuation of vital services.

Also read: Recap And Insights From The 4TH Power Price Forecasting Summit

Incorporating Energy Storage into Short-Term Power Price Forecasting Models 

Accurately incorporating the special capabilities of short-term energy storage systems is crucial. It helps to gain the benefits that these systems have to offer. So, short-term power price forecasting models must be upgraded to account for storage properly. This will capture storage’s true impact on power market dynamics and predictions. Let us see the elements to ensure it and the challenges that are encountered. 

Modeling Storage Availability and Charging/Discharging Patterns 

One of the key challenges in modeling energy storage for short-term power price forecasting is precisely representing the availability patterns accurately. Factors that should be in consideration are:

  • The storage system’s total capacity, 
  • The current state of charge, 
  • And round-trip efficiency. 

Charging and discharging patterns based on market conditions, demand forecasts, etc. need to be modeled effectively. Only then can the forecasts be reliable and precise.

Advanced Modeling Techniques 

To incorporate energy storage systems into short-term power price forecasting models successfully, leveraging advanced modeling techniques becomes imperative. Approaches like machine learning, AI, and optimization algorithms are powerful tools. They help capture and represent complex, non-linear relationships. This is between storage systems and various market variables accurately. Adoption of such techniques enhances overall forecast accuracy significantly.

Integration with Renewable Energy Forecasting 

It is crucial to integrate storage forecasting with renewable forecasting models seamlessly. This is because energy storage is intrinsically linked with renewable energy assets. This integrated approach further improves the accuracy of overall supply-demand predictions in the market. Moreover, it enables more effective planning and management of intermittent renewable resources using storage capabilities.

Additionally, energy storage systems add another layer of uncertainties and variability to already complex power markets. Their availability and patterns of utilization are influenced by several dynamic factors. These include market pricing signals, forecasted renewable generation levels, predicted demand patterns, and more. So, advanced models must effectively account for and address these uncertainties robustly. This is to provide reliable short-term forecasts.

Optimizing Energy Storage Utilization in Short-Term Operations

While accurate short-term power price forecasting is vital, optimizing the real-time utilization of storage assets is equally crucial. It ensures deriving maximum benefits and efficiently participating in market operations.

Arbitrage Opportunities 

The principal application of energy storage is the arbitrage of power market price differentials. When energy prices are low, storage operators can purchase and store energy. Furthermore, when prices are higher, they can resell the stored energy to the grid and profit from the difference. Short-term price forecasting algorithms make the identification of these possibilities possible. They also help determine optimal charging and discharging strategies consequently.

Ancillary Services 

Apart from energy trading, storage systems can provide several valuable ancillary services that support grid operations and functionality. Frequency regulation, voltage support, and operating reserves like spinning/non-spinning reserves are some examples. Storage operators can participate in these markets or contract with utilities. This unlocks extra revenue streams while also contributing to overall grid reliability.

Integrated Planning and Operational Strategies 

To unlock the full potential of storage assets, integrated planning, and operational strategies are imperative. These comprehensive strategies must consider the complex interplay. This is between storage systems, renewable generators, demand patterns, and evolving market dynamics cohesively. Additionally, integrating all these elements allows maximizing asset utilization. It also helps to extract maximum operational and economic value.

Stacked Revenue Streams 

Storage system owners and operators can greatly increase overall project economics and profitability. This is by stacking and combining numerous revenue streams. In addition to energy arbitrage, other sources of income include:

  • Capacity fees, 
  • Purchase obligations, 
  • Supplementary services, and more.

Accurate short-term power price forecasting skills and well-thought-out operational plans, however, are crucial facilitators for successfully seizing these stacked income opportunities.


The integration of energy storage systems is rapidly transforming traditional power markets and dynamics. To stay competitive, market participants must carefully incorporate storage capabilities into short-term power price forecasting models and operational strategies. Accurate modeling of storage availability, charging/discharging patterns, and addressing uncertainties is crucial. Doing so gives a strong edge in understanding and navigating this evolving landscape optimally. Furthermore, proactively optimizing storage asset utilization through energy arbitrage, provision of ancillary services, and integrated planning unlocks tremendous economic and operational benefits.

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend the 5th Power Price Forecasting Summit in Barcelona, Spain on 11th-12th June 2024. It will help to gain in-depth insights into this rapidly unfolding energy transition. It will also the latest solutions for integrating storage seamlessly into forecasting models. Additionally, network with thought leaders spearheading innovation and transition strategies and position your organization at the forefront of this transformative shift in power markets.